What are some ideas to catch a spouse cheating at work?
Please give me some ideas of how to find out?What's a good way to catch a cheating spouse?
I would reset your husband's timers on his cell phone and then compare the time that he talked on the phone to his call list. Add up the minutes he used on the call list and compare it to the actual time that he talked. I found out that my husband's call timer was 54 minutes but he only had 22 minutes when I added up the calls on his call list. That meant that he talked to someone and deleted the number. Also, there are devices you can get to recover deleted calls and texts from cell phones. Google how to recover deleted calls and texts from cell phones and you will see them for sale. They are easy to use and you will have your answer. Also, you can get a program for your computer that detects all key strokes on the keyboard which will give you his username and password for his work e-mail. You can log in and see if they are e-mailing. Good luck.What's a good way to catch a cheating spouse?
Follow him after work. The best and the cheapest way. But a wig, borrow your friends clothes, if possible a car or take her with you, you might need binoculars.
Keep digging.....usually if you have a gut feeling, it's right! Pop up at work esp. during his lunch time!! Like others said you will be able to tell by the reaction he gets....good luck!
Honesty is the best policy. Tell your spouse how you are feeling and what has been going through your mind.
check mileage on his car and cell phone records....credit car receipts....cash flow in his pocket b4 work and after work....
There is only one way (unless you know about bugging devices) and that is to hire a private investigator to carry out covert work.
well the only way is to snoop alot get in friends with the wives of the men he works with check his credit cards cell phone for numbers that shouldnt be on there his e mail even the sites he goes on and they ussually change their behavior toward you either showing more attention than normal or none at all if he says he is working late go there and follow him when he leaves check for receipts for flowers hotels and gas at out of the way places youknow he wouldnt be and he may change colonge r a different haircut or new way to dress
Hire a private investigator.
I vote for honey trap, but that poses unique challenges in the work environment.
Call cheaters.
that depends.
is the cheating happening on PC chats, etc?
if yes: eblaster (google it and find out... worked perfectly for a buddy of mine)
but if you suspect it, chances are it is happening or you're the one cheating with someone else.
check his cell phone, cell phone bills to look for werid numbers at odd times, email, his clothes. But the best way to catch a cheater is by listening to your gut!
Everyone gave really good ideas. If he is good at hiding it or has been doing it for awhile, it'll be harder to catch him. If you have the money, hire a P.I.
worm and a hook
start dropping by his work with out him knowing. Start checking his check stub to see if he is really working all the hours he says he is. Is there a reason you think he is cheating?
just start ';stopping by'; alot when he least expects it.. see how he reacts with his co-workers...
You have to enlist the help of friends or someone other than yourself. You and your friends have to stake out the parking lot at his work, he will eventually slip up and get caught. Most all of them do. If you need to do more investigation you may have to enlist the help of someone inside the office that he works in. Good luck.
What leads you to believe he's cheating AT work?
Do you have some tale tell signs that make you believe there's an affair going on such as emotions being out of the ordinary and routines being changed?
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