Sunday, August 22, 2010

What would happen if spouse used credit card after cardholders death?

Depends if it is spouses name or joint names!What would happen if spouse used credit card after cardholders death?
Its still fraud if you get caught!!What would happen if spouse used credit card after cardholders death?
they'll find a way to collect from her.
Nothing unless the credit card company has been informed of the card holder's death.

Oh apart from a fraudulent use of someone else's card.
Assuming the were not also on the account this is illegal, but if they paid the bill probably nothing would happen (nobody would even notice). If they did this and then said the spouse was dead and therefore the charges didn't need to be paid, they could go to jail - this is fraud.
depends on how long husband/wife have bin cold!!

if not husband/wife and just being oppertunist IE:they are not going to notice then morally bankrupt!!!!

otherwise the answers above will do.

remember if it does get questioned by any source and there is a fraudulent offence commited the fraudsquad/police can look at cctv footage from time of using the card and find out who used card last and if chipanpin has been used to obtain cash or purchases ,then they also want to know how the person knows the pin.

it will take some explaining even if husband/wife as each card holder is issued with a unique pin number and is to be kept a secret.

lastly, why would husband/wife want to use the card, because if it is joint account the limit is same for both and if a seperate card is it worth all the fretting and worrying for just a few quid.
from what ive heard the next of kin gets the bills...

but i would think somhow the system would be notified that the card holder is dead.
Nothing as long as she paid the bills when they came due. Many older women don't have the credit history (they were homemakers, loans were in the husband's name) to get a card on their own. As long as it isn't an attempt to defraud the card company, there's no harm in letting bills that automatically go to the husband's card to keep going there.
Credit card accounts can't be in joint names (in UK anyway) - there is one account and you can have an additional cardholder so assuming that the spouse is using the deceased's card it would be fraudulent. However since the debt will form part of the estate at probate they are robbing themselves.
Typically she will be executed on sight.

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