Sunday, August 22, 2010

How many married people had thoughts on cheating on their spouse?

I have a crush on a person I only chat with, I know that's kind of crazy,but he live in another State,I guess you can say we are emotionally attached in some way or another.I am by the way happily Married,but my chat friend is pretty cool!What do you think?How many married people had thoughts on cheating on their spouse?

Don't go through with it, it's not even worth it.

It might seem like it is but really it isn't.

REMEMBER, God is watching and HE wouldn't be pleased.How many married people had thoughts on cheating on their spouse?
When I was married, I thought about it - but never acted on it.

Chat friends can be cool... but your spouse may not think so. If you have to lie about chatting with this person, or wouldn't ever tell your spouse what you talk about, then thats having an online affair. (Even if you never met) How would you feel if you found out your spouse were talking with someone else the same way you talk to this person? If your answer is that it wouldn't bother you, then you're probably OK. If you cringe at the thought.... maybe it's time to stop.

Online affairs lead to a lot of divorces. Is it THAT important to you?
Omg Yes!! 11 years and I have had plenty of ';cheat'; offers... can I not at least ';think'; about it.

Stay the course as long and as best you can!

Thank god for Mstbn and internet chat, eh?
Cheating? Everyone does it.
leave it alone... would it be worth the divorce?
it's emotional cheating/emotional affair. it could lead to you developing negative feelings w/ your spouse because of a fantasy relationship you have w/ the other guy.
As far as I'm concerned you've already cheated. You are not happily married if you are getting an emotional attachment with another man and thinking about having sex with him.

Cheating is not just about sex, it's more about an emotional attachment, which you've stated you have.

Divorce your husband or ditch your crush.
Everybody... That is why open marriages are such a great idea these days.
No, I have never had this thought at all. I DO have male friends, but they know not to cross the line. If you are emotionally attached to another man, beware if you get into an emotional affair; that is cheating. If he is only a friend, no problem. The problem is you having thoughts of cheating; not having a male friend.
i just did while watching the soaps
It depends on what you are willing to risk.
its far away from home so how can you go wrong? im sure hes done it a time or two...
its not good to cheat because what goes around comes around
if your happily married i wouldnt cheat.

you can chat friendly.
Forget the whole idea and stay chat buddies. Save the worked up energy for your husband.
not once... but he cheated on me
if your normal u think of chesting, but if your happily married stop the nonsence, and stay married, dont let this affect your marrage.
It doesn't sound crazy. You've connected on a intellectual level. Anyway, I think everyone thinks about cheating. We all want the perfect mate. If I could make up the perfect man from all of the men that I know it would be great, but not possible. If you're happy and in love with your husband stick it out. On the other hand if things don't work out and he gives you a reason to leave...
I don't think you could be really happy in your marriage if you've gotten attached to another man you only know from the internet. It seems as though you are missing something with your husband that this other man can provide. If your husband thinks everything is great and he finds out he'll be pretty upset. Remember, people aren't always what they seem. This man could be telling you everything you want to hear and could all be a lie. Look deep inside and try to find what you think it making you attracted to this man and see if it's missing in your marriage. Sometimes after being married a while you just want someone elses attention to feel special. Maybe you are feeling good that another man has an attraction to you. Good luck!
Your walking on egg shells in your relationship because you are becoming emotionally attached. This is very dangerous, because next you will be asked if you want to meet each other and you'll be venerable and accept. When you ask your mate if you can go on a vacation to visit some old time friend your mate will say sure, you will think cool! I can go meet this person, next thing you know you'll be having sex together and in your mind you will betray the one you married. Thus cheating on your marriage.

My suggestion to you is that you stop building a wall between you and your spouse, because if you don't it will cause extra pain later down the line. You may even be Divorced because of it. Depending on how close you are to your spouse, all I can say is stop while you can. My question to you is this? who did you marry? and who are you not married too? stay true to your marriage you be glad you did. Steve

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