It is my observation that many men are very good fathers but not so great at the husband thing. Of course I know more divorced men than married men so I am sure my observations are not entirely accurate.What's more difficult: being a spouse, or being a parent?
Being a parent is more difficult.What's more difficult: being a spouse, or being a parent?
Well Ruby, I have to confess that as a young man I would have been an awful parent, I guess as a young man I was an awful spouse also.
So to answer your question, as I aged and learned many facts of life the hard way, I now consider myself a good parent ( pay no attention to my last question posted, that was all in fun) and also a good spouse. But the jury may be out on that last part. At least I try hard. I take care of our household with five kid, a dog and a hermit crab, while my wife works full time and also is a full time student in pre-med. Yes I work full time also, but I enjoy the time with the kids and the chores are not that big a deal. So actually I think age is the major factor in your question.
A bit of both.
It's hard living with another grown person, no matter how much you love them. You have to learn their habits, forgo some of yours, act as if you don't see some things, etc.
But to be a parent means protecting, loving, worrying (constantly) and making sure they know wrong from right. You are responsible for another human being for at least 18 years (most likely, longer than that) and the way you mold and shape them has a big effect on how they turn out.
One of my children is an adult and I have two sons (15 and 11) and a husband. Trust me, it isn't easy being either.
That's a tough call -- you don't really know whether you've been a good parent until years later, when your grown kids send you their therapy bills...
For me personally, I know I'm better at being a father than being a husband -- when raising my kid, I just think of what my mother would do and then do the exact opposite. Unfortunately, the years spent trying to cope with my mother has conditioned me into (wrongly) assuming that my wife is the same as her, which leads me to assume a lot of terrible and unfair things about her intent and motives. But I *am* working on it...
Kids don't have demanding expectations like a spouse does, therefoe I have to go with Spouse... I have been lucky in that my wife made it easy for me to stick around, her making the big bucks for several years of our marriage and all. But because of that, as we planned, I make twice what she does now, and I have more time to be a good Dad and Spouse.. ( don't know how good of a spouse I am, but I don't cheat on my wife, I do her any favor I can because Ilove her, and I make plenty of bread.
I personally think that having kids is much harder than being married. Are the men that you think are good fathers a full time dad or a every other weekend dad? It is way easy to be a part time parent, but being a full time parent is very difficult task. Don't get me wrong, marriage is difficult also but I find being married is easier than having my children!
It's been about 4 months now, and I gotta say, being married is a piece of cake. We're still new at it, but it feels like we've been doing it forever.
I'd have to assume that being a parent will be much more challenging than this (judging by my own life), and in addition, makes marriage more challenging as well.
If your are really in love nothing is difficult. Once we marry we kill the romance. Romance small gesture of affection really helps.
As a parent there are always some problem with generation gap, but can be handled. Love should be uncondtional for spouse and kids see it does wonder.
Sucess and happiness is all about relationships so we must work hard.
Being a parent by far.
Although I'll suggest to anyone what I did when the going got tough.
DIVORCE ! And I got the kids !
Now, in all honesty, my parenting job has actually gotten easier because I only have 3 little ones not 3 little ones and a lazy BEOITCH that won't get off her @ss.
Here's hoping she likes paying child support for 16 years. That'll force her to finally be responsible. I hope....
BEING A what a have such high hopes for your children and you try to never let them down, see them cry, or ever let them get hurt...but the truth is when it happens because sometimes we can't prevent it we feel awful because thats our children...if it was the other way around with your spouse they would be more likely to understand...but with your children you don't want them to even TRY to understand you want to be that SUPER MOM! Atleast I do anyway =)
Well, having been married twice and being currently the mother of two kids and stepmother of two more, I can tell you that it depends on the day, the husband, and the kid. But if I had to pick one, I'd say it's more difficult to be a parent.
Being good at anything takes a bit of practice... It's not easy being a good spouse especially in the beginning stages.. Once you get a hang of it, then comes the kid.. Again, you will suck at it, till you finally learn how to handle that.
Definitely being a parent. No matter how upset you get with the spouse you can walk away from them almost no matter the situation. It's not that easy with your children.
Being a parent. Seeing your child ill or heart broken. Just everyday situation at school. I have a teen a preteen and a tot. It never gets easier. If your a loving mother that is.
For me, being a spouse is harder than a parent...I can do the mommy thing with my eyes closed but being the wife takes some effort....I still think I am pretty good most of the time though
Ruby, You cannot be less of one and greater of the other.
A good husband is a good Father. A Good Father is a good Husband:)
For me it is much harder to be a good fiance is a brat. My kids are teenage girls and they are WAY easier to deal with.
Being a spouse. Kids will follow your orders a spouse won't
It`s a bit of a balancing act...
That is a smoking hot pic by the way.
being a parent for sure
equal for me...
I'm no role model bebe. Next question.
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