Thursday, July 29, 2010

What questions would you ask your spouse if you ask anything?

Imagine playing 20 questions with your wife/husband or long term partner. What type of questions would you ask?What questions would you ask your spouse if you ask anything?
What are your expectation that you have for me as a wife/husband?

If my body change due to having babies, will you still have that flame of desire for me, from the first day you saw me?

How many children do you want?

What are your dreams of success?

Where would you like to live?

House? Condo?

Do you like to have pets?

What sexual expectations do you expect from me, and will you tell me what you desire, and would you not feel mad or ashamed but open mind of my own sexual desires?

Do you believe in God? Do you have a relationship with our Lord Jesus as your savior?

Will we go to church every Sunday, and Wednesday night?

Are you a work aholic?

What are your favorite colors?

What colors do you feel comfortable in a bedroom, living room, and the kitchens. Do you like plaids or florals?

Do you like alot of wood?

Do you like what nots for decorations for the walls?

What kind of Christmas tree do you like?

Real or artficial?

Do you like to partipatice with alot of people during the holidays?

Are you shy around people, and rather to be just us thing around the holidays?

Do you like meats? Fruits? Vegetables? Bread?

How do you like your food prepared?

What are your favorite kind of foods?


Do you like magazines in the bathroom or not?

What kind of toothbrush do your prefer? ANd Toothpaste?

What kinds of sheets do you like for the bed?

Textures, and Sensorys are very important.

Do you like loud environment or quiet enviornment?

Can you show me signs of your own langauage of needing own space?

can we talk without alot of beating around the bush but be specific on the subject?

Can we truly forgive and never let the subject come back in the future of momement when during a heated conservation of discussion?

Well , does any of these help?What questions would you ask your spouse if you ask anything?
# 1 if you knew this was the last day of your life how would you spend it with your familey or in church? # 2 if you were on a beach and you saw a person in the ocean swiming and you didnt know how to swim and there was no one around and this person was cramping up and screaming at you to help him what would you do? if you had a choice of saveing your girl friend life or your x- wife life wich one would you save ( rember your x- wife is the mother of your child) if you walk into a grocery store and went to a vegetable aile and you saw this lady there and she saw you and gave you eye contact then she pick up a cumber and put it in her mouth what would you do?if you were walking down a side walk and you saw one of your familey say your brother and you knew he was married with kids and he was with a other women holding hands and kissing would you go home and call his wife up and tell her and your brother wife was best of friends with your wife would you tell your wife?
I cant come up with 20 but I would ask him what made him decide to marry me?
1. Ever been in a threesome?

2. Ever cheated on me?

3. Have you done something we agreed we would not do?

4. Is it good to you? If not, what can I do to make it better?

5. Define love?

6. Define trust?

7. Define fidelity?

8. Why do you think you love me?

9. What can we do to keep the emotional bonds between us strong?

10. Do you like the smell of my breath?

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