Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What is the one thing that causes the most arguments between you and your spouse?

What subject/matter do you feel so completely different about that it causes constant disagreements/arguing?What is the one thing that causes the most arguments between you and your spouse?
that I'm still alive, seems to just piss her off. O, and her complete lack of sex drive.What is the one thing that causes the most arguments between you and your spouse?
His family- They are leaches, wanting to get whatever they can from my husband, money and favors. His mother is young and has not worked a day in her life but she plays sick (only to work not when she goes out with her friends) and my husband is always paying for many of her needs, including when she wants to travel and see her family in her country. I am not selfish and can understand if she needs medical things but vacation and other uneccesary items, specially when she can work. It hurts me she has never even cooked one dinner for her son and he works so hard for his money.
1. Our collective (bad) attitudes- Bad moods destroy a perfect day. We are both getting better about it, though.

2. Bad habits- #4 is a habit of mine, I just got used to sort of brushing my emotions to the side. We both have our bad habits.

3. Lying- He calls me a compulsive liar because I don't spill my guts at the drop of a hat. It pretty much always starts out the same, ';What's wrong with you?'; I say, ';Nothing,'; and then they're off! Compulsive liar seems a little harsh to me. :/

4. Sarcasm- Oh, this one has caused many-a fights! Both of us are sarcastic, and sometimes we don't realize we do it until the argument starts.

5. He gets mad if I just don't feel like talking, and he wants to talk the paper off the walls. The thing is, I don't get mad if I want to talk and he doesn't; I just leave him alone until he does feel like talking.

There are more things, but I don't feel exactly like listing them all

EDIT: I figure that I would add that my husband and I have never fought about money (or the lack of, rather.) We just hunker down and weather the storm when something like that happens. It's kind of weird that we argue about other stuff but not about money, haha.
My husband I don't really argue that much except when he forgot about important holidays that he supposed to give me a gift lol

He use to be a neat freak on our first year of marriage and sometimes makes a comment about my cleaning style , so I told him if he don't like it he do it himself and gave him the broom after that he never pick on my cleaning style again :)
I'm not married but I'm livin with my boyfriend... i get upset that he may have indifferences aboutmy feelings....... like, when i want him to act a certain way, and he may expect me to act a different way. but the truth is that we just don't know one another very well. We both have to accept things the way they are and that's hard for us to do.
There is nothing, honestly. We live in a very harmonious home. Very rarely is ever a cross word spoken. That's just not our nature-either of us.

The biggest thing I can think of is that I want a screen door on the front of our house and he doesn't. We don't have one, but I told him I am getting one someday--even if that day is after he's passed away. I've let it drop for now.
him forgetting important things like his cell phone or losing his wallet but it is just something that bugs me but we never go to bed mad and they are usually Just disagreement rather than fight but it is not gonna be perfect it is all how you handle the fights is what matters
1. matters involving our respective children

2. finances

3. sex

4. communication or lack of....

5. respective ';quality'; time....

do you want me to continue????

Kids, his and mine


His Barnes and Noble habit






Did I mention we don't fight all that much, but when we do, it's one of those things.
Actually, we agree almost all of the time about child rearing and discipline, but on the rare occasions when we don't, we can get really angry at each other!
Her existence....
Most of the time it's because we don't understand the way the other person thinks of certain things.
You'll find most guys will say sex. We usually want it alot more than our wives. The next thing is about money.
moaning and never tires her out either :P

umm thats a good question.........i'll ponder on this and get back to ya

EDIT: i guess we just get along ok :)
Our past. Anytime the past is brought up it's on.

House cleaning.

But it's not much.
i would have to say money.
we don't ';argue'; it gets you nowhere,
  • oily skin blackheads
  • nose mask
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